
Click to play MP3 samples

Century 9.9M - 0:58
Invasion 7.9M - 0:46
Battlefield 8.0M - 0:47
Crisis 11M - 1:03
Heros 1.2M - 0:06
Black Rain 11M - 1:03
Spirit Waltz 6.8M - 0:39
Baby Boom 6.8M - 0:40
X Generation 7.8M - 0:46
The Wish (Y Generation) 11M - 1:05
Ave Mariette 9.9M - 0:58
Big Brother 8.1M - 0:48
Dawn of the New Order 6.7M - 0:40
Warning (Z Generation) 6.4M - 0:37
In Memoriam 6.4M - 1:00